Vol. 4 No. 1; February 2019
Table of Contents
Micro-Financial Institutions and the Growth of Entrepreneurial Business in Nigeria: A study of Jos Metropolis ADEMU, Wada Attah (Ph.D); ZIRRA, Clifford Tizhe Oaya Ph.D; Charles J. Mambula I. Ph.D; Ezie Obumneke |
China: “One Country, Two Systems”—Myth or Reality? For Hong Kong: “Twenty Years Down and Thirty to Go” Mark Schild, Richard J. Hunter, Jr. |
An Easy Way to Determine the Monthly Mortgage Payment for a Given Mortgage Dr. Mitchell Preiss |
Assessing the effects of Second Step: A program evaluation of a pilot implementation Danel A. Koonce |
Strategically Managing Employee Benefits: Predictors of Benefit Choices Troy V. Mumford, Steven Hanks, Cherissa Alldredge |